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Bloom's Digital Taxonomy: Enhancing Learning with Digital Tools


Updated: Sep 18, 2023

Bloom's Taxonomy is a well-known framework for classifying educational goals and objectives. Originally proposed by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues in the 1950s, the taxonomy has been revised over the years to reflect changes in education and society.

In recent years, a digital version of Bloom's Taxonomy has emerged, known as Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. This digital framework takes the original taxonomy and applies it to digital learning environments, providing educators with a powerful tool for enhancing learning with digital tools.

Understanding Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is a framework that categorizes digital learning objectives into six levels, each building upon and interacting with the previous ones. The six levels are:

  1. Remembering: This level involves recalling or retrieving information from memory. Activities that can be used to foster this level of learning include book-marking, highlighting, bullet-pointing, flashcards, online quizzes/tests, searching, and group networking.

  2. Understanding: This level involves explaining, interpreting, summarising, and comparing certain concepts. Advanced searching, annotating, blog journaling, tweeting, tagging, commenting, and subscribing can all help foster understanding.

  3. Applying: This level involves using knowledge and skills in a real-world context, such as through presentations, simulations or problem-based learning.

  4. Analyzing: This level involves breaking down information into parts and examining relationships between them, such as by creating mind maps or conducting data analysis.

  5. Evaluating: This level involves examining evidence to make judgements based on certain criteria. Grading, testing, posting/commenting, and moderating are all digital activities that can be used to help students critically evaluate.

  6. Creating: This level involves generating new ideas, products, or solutions, such as by designing or producing multimedia projects.

Using Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in the Classroom

The key to successfully integrating Bloom's Digital Taxonomy into your teaching practice is to ensure that students are moving up the hierarchy of learning objectives. Here are some examples of how to do that:

  1. Remembering: Use flashcard apps like Quizlet, digital notetaking tools like Evernote or OneNote, or create quizzes to help students recall key concepts and vocabulary.

  2. Understanding: Use multimedia resources such as videos, podcasts, or infographics to help students comprehend and interpret information.

  3. Applying: Provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts, such as through simulations or project-based learning.

  4. Analyzing: Encourage students to examine relationships between information by creating mind maps, conducting data analysis, or using digital tools such as interactive diagrams.

  5. Evaluating: Provide opportunities for students to make judgments and evaluate information through online debate and discussion forums, peer-reviewing work, and online surveys or polls.

  6. Creating: Challenge students to generate new ideas, products, or solutions by designing or producing multimedia projects, such as videos, podcasts, or blogs.

Benefits of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

By incorporating Bloom's Digital Taxonomy into your teaching practice, you can:

  1. Help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  2. Promote creativity and innovation.

  3. Enhance student engagement and motivation.

  4. Provide opportunities for students to develop digital literacy skills.


Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is a powerful framework for enhancing learning with digital tools. By leveraging the six levels of the taxonomy, educators can create engaging and impactful learning activities that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. This not only prepares students for success in a digital world but also promotes lifelong learning. So, whether you're an experienced educator or new to the field, consider incorporating Bloom's Digital Taxonomy into your teaching practice to enhance learning outcomes and equip your students with the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.

Looking to apply Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in your classroom?

Enroll in our free and self-paced course now by clicking the link below!


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